
Thursday, April 6th, 2023

Political Education Working Group Meeting-

War, what is it good for? As war rages in Ukraine and the US manufactures consent for a new and dangerous Cold War with China, we will discuss Eugene Debs' 1918 anti-war speech, which ultimately led to his arrest. We will also discuss Lenin's The War and Russian Social-Democracy.

Come join us at Parish Hall from 7:00-8:30. There will be food.  If you can't make it in person, you can Zoom into the meeting with this link:   dsausa.zoom.us/​meeting/​register/​tZcucu-rrDgv​GtJDK8mkbMOI​d-DQCH53lZI2

Make Entergy Pay Campaign Meeting!-

Join us to plan taking back control over our power! Zoom link here