Robert's Rules Cheatsheet


New Orleans DSA conducts official chapter business according to Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised (RONR). RONR is a widely used series of parliamentary procedures that ensure meetings are conducted fairly, transparently, and without denying access to viewpoints in the minority. Any exceptions to the rules of order in RONR are specified in the Convention Rules.

Business is conducted at meetings by (1) following the agenda and (2) making motions. A motion is a means of putting business before the membership for consideration.

You can make a motion as follows:

  1. Address the meeting chair
  2. Be recognized by the chair
  3. State your motion
  4. Have your motion seconded
  5. The chair states the motion
  6. The motion is debated (where applicable)
  7. The chair puts the question to the membership
  8. The members vote

If you want to

You say

Do you need a second?

What happens next?

Ask about what’s being debated

Point of information


The chair will hear your question and answer, or recognize a person who can answer.

Bring up a technical issue or problem with how the meeting is being conducted

Point of privilege


The chair will hear your point and make a ruling.

Ask a question about the rules

Parliamentary inquiry


The chair may confer with a parliamentarian (authority on these rules) and will give their opinion.

Point out that the rules aren’t being followed

Point of order


The chair will hear your point and make a ruling.

End debate and vote now

Motion to Call the Question


If ⅔ of the assembly votes to vote, we proceed to a vote.

End debate without voting

Motion to Postpone the Question Until [_______]


Debate over motion to postpone begins.

Offer an amendment to a proposed bylaw change or political resolution

Motion to Amend by [striking and/or adding specific language*]

*please have this ready


The chair reads how the amended proposal would appear, and debate begins

Give members more time to debate

Motion to Extend Debate by ____ Minutes


We don’t debate this — just vote yes or no — unless someone offers an amendment to how much time.

Pause the meeting

Motion to recess until [time]


We don’t debate this — just vote yes or no — unless someone offers an amendment to how much time.

End the meeting

Motion to adjourn


If ⅔ of the assembly votes yes, we’re done.

Robert's Rules Cheatsheet
Última actualización 28 de agosto de 2022 a las 17:36
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